
Qubit guarantee

Kola Heyward - Rotimi

image collage
image collage

Re: Sister

Eeshita Kapadiya and Mrinalini Sebastian

image collage
image collage

Uncivilizing Digital Territories


Support Us

We are building on the digital commons by publishing our work freely and stewarding tools for anyone to use. If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us!

Digital Bake Sale

We need your support to ensure the future sustainability of our magazine and Distributed Press.

Our magazine has in our bank account as of . We hope to raise $40,000 by January 31st of 2022 and before launching Issue Three.

Contribute to help us hit our fundraising goals...


$25000 We're still looking for funding for future issues! Help us reach our goal!


$30000 We'll launch a webring for the Decentralized Web to make allied web and DWeb projects more discoverable.


$35000 Take COMPOST offline and start a COMPOST sneakernet with our USB sticks filled with COMPOST art and writing.


$40000 We'll run a half-day micro-conference with contributors and community. We'll discuss issues we face on the (D)Web and in collective publishing.

Beyond these goals, additional funds will give all contributors, artists, and designers a $200 bonus and any remaining funds will be used in the development of future COMPOST issues.

Web Monetization

Readers shouldn’t have to wade through intrusive ads or paywalls to read this magazine. We don’t want your data nor do we want to restrict access to COMPOST. Web Monetization is another way for supporters like you to send us micropayments (fractions of a cent) as you view this website.

How does it work?

Web Monetization is an emerging standard for web browsers. At the moment, you need to download a browser extension to make it work. We’ve found that getting a Coil membership is the easiest way to get started with Web Monetization. With a $5 monthly membership, you can also support hundreds of other Web Monetization websites like Cinnamon, Ampled, Erase All Kittens, and Ladyspike Media.

Setup Coil

  1. Visit and signup.

  2. Go to Settings and enter the "Membership" menu item.

  3. Add your credit card and subscribe. It's $5 a month.

  4. Download the extension for any browser of your choice.

If everything works, you’ll see the Web Monetization mushroom animating with a dollar sign at the top right corner of the screen.